
Ancient Aliens S13E08 ~ Island of the Giants

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In this episode, Ancient Aliens covers the same material as Forbidden History five years ago, and it returns us to a time before 1849, when legends about giants weren’t just the colorful folklore of Sardinia’s actual country bumpkins but was a widely shared cultural myth designed to foster ethnic pride in the face of encroaching assimilation from the mainland.

The show claims that the Nuragic people are from Sumer and that the giants are the Anunnaki, which the narrator wrongly identifies as “winged giants".

The myth of the Cyclopes and the ancient Greek belief, recorded by Pausanias (2.16.5 and 2.25.8), that Bronze Age ruins had been built by the Cyclopes in the Heroic Age. The men then go to visit Bronze Age tombs in Sardinia that modern legend attributes to the giants, and Alberino claims that the tombs were placed atop the actual graves of giants, which is why excavators have yet to find their bones. Tsoukalos wonders if all of the myths of giants around the world refer to the same beings.

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